Even Princesses Get the Baby Blues: Postpartum Depression and the Shame Spiral
Motherhood is a joyous and beautiful time, but it isn’t easy and it may kick up feelings you hadn’t expected; feelings that completely...
3 Tips to Help You Get Through Health Anxiety
1. Use probability. If you have been checked out medically and you get the all clear, it is easy to slide back into panic thinking they...
There is no such thing as a fresh start...
New year, new me. The “new year resolution” season is upon us. That magical time of year when everything is anew, we get used to writing...
No Place Like Alone for the Holidays
The hustle and bustle. The glitz and glam. The family and friends. What happens to those who are not near the ones they love for the...
"But other people have real problems..."
This might be the number one statement I hear in my office. It’s definitely top 3. People struggle with sharing their struggles because...
5 Ways to Elevate Your Health Today (Anxiety Series, 4 of 4)
1. Sleep Hygiene What is sleep hygiene? It is simply developing a healthy routine to unwind from the day and prepare your body and mind...
6 Ways You Can Take Control of Your Mental Health on World Mental Health Day
Today, October 10th, is recognized as World Mental Health Day. For many, mental health remains a taboo topic. It is something that “other...
I am really worried I will have another panic attack... (Anxiety Series Part 3 of 4)
When someone has a panic attack they often go to the doctor to get checked out which is always a good idea. It can make people feel...
Why did I have a panic attack? (Anxiety Series Part 2 of 4)
When someone first comes to see me they usually tell me the symptoms that are bothering them such as panic attacks, not sleeping, feeling...
Start to Say No in These Scenarios and it Will Change Your Life
Humans crave to understand others and to be accepted. Humans are social creatures and our society is largely based off of give and take....