Services Offered
One on One Therapy. You meet with your therapist for weekly sessions to work on reducing your bothersome symptoms and building toward goals set by you. Sessions are 50 minutes long. Go to the 'our approach' page for more detailed information about the therapy framework used by our therapists.
Couples Therapy. Come to therapy together to work on mutual goals of having a healthy functional relationship you can feel happy with. Lindsey Huttner is a couples therapist trained in a specific treatment (integrative behavioral couples therapy) designed to help couples understand each other's needs, learn to communicate effectively, develop empathy for the other person, and make real behavioral changes that will support the relationship. Lindsey will ask for both partners to come in together for the initial session during which background information will be gathered about the concerns each person is having. The second and third session will be with each partner alone to fully understand the needs of that person in the relationship. The fourth session will be the couple together with Lindsey again, during this session she will explain the information she has gathered about strengths, areas that need improvement, similarities, differences, patterns of discord, and areas that need focus during couples therapy moving forward. Sessions 5 and onward has the couple together with Lindsey for the sessions. There are questionnaires that are gathered weekly to monitor progress, conflict and satisfaction levels from each partner. Lindsey is passionate about providing fair and non-judgmental therapy to couples. She is clear that she will be the therapist for the couple and never one side or another with the partners.
Tele-health Therapy. This way of serving our clients expands the possibilities of whom can be seen by us. Distance is no longer an option. We can now use video therapy to connect with anyone in the state of New York!
This is a great option if someone is struggling to leave their house, have young kids or babies at home, have limited time to travel to and from our office, travel, relocate, or simply realize they won't make it to therapy on time and need their session by phone or video. We have a HIIPA compliant, secure video platform that will protect your privacy during sessions. You can use your computer or download an app to your phone for your video sessions. If you are not comfortable with video we can simply do a phone session as well.